The SFI program was conceived as part of the forest products industry’s strategic vision to balance society’s need for forest products with stewardship of trees, 流, 湿地, plants and animals that are part of the forested environments.

今天,SFI公司. 是独立的, non-profit organization responsible for maintaining, overseeing and improving a sustainable forestry certification program that is internationally recognized and is the largest single forest standard in the world.

The SFI Standard is based on principles and measures that promote sustainable forest management and consider all forest values. It includes unique fiber sourcing requirements to promote responsible forest management on all forest lands in North America.

SFI certification also extends to the market. When they see the SFI label on a product, consumers can be confident they are buying wood or paper from responsible sources – whether it is reams of paper, 包装或二乘四.

通过SFI项目, we can continue to reward investors, 创造就业机会, and extend sound management throughout our nation’s forests for the benefit of generations to come.

Inconsistent Practices Procedure

  • The 可持续的林业 Initiative (SFI) covers a wide range of requirements that have been adopted by 全球十大赌钱软件app members on a voluntary basis.
  • Kentucky program participants have adopted the SFI requirements and are required to follow the guidelines to maintain membership
  • The following flow chart has been adopted by 全球十大赌钱软件app to address inconsistent practices related to logging and forest management activities


森林 Landowner Outreach Brochure

One page brochure lists all the elements a forest landowner should consider as a duty to owning land and services available to accomplish forest managment objectives.


Center for 森林 and Wood Certification

The Center is designed to build certification capacity allowing the private sector to participate and manage their certification efforts in the wood industry.


森林 & 野生动物管理

肯塔基州原文如此 (可持续的林业 Initiative Implementation Committee) has a mission to provide information and technical assistance to landowners on sustainable forestry.



The Kentucky SFI Implementation Committee (KY SIC) works with local groups and agencies to provide leadership and share best practices to improve forest management on both certified and uncertified lands in the commonwealth. The KY SIC makes important contributions in assuring SFI Standard conformance and SFI program recognition.

  • Provides information and answers questions about local forestry operations and participates in community outreach.
  • Promotes the use of best management practices, certified & trained logging professionals and qualified resource professionals to landowners across the state and plays a vital role in landowner outreach.
  • Establishes protocols for addressing inconsistent practices in forest management.
  • Serves as a hub of informational resources to help increase the amount of SFI certified forest in Kentucky and recruit participants.
  • Promote and disseminate forestry research and the provision of accessible forest management statistics.

The KY SIC is funded by participant companies/organization via dues or in-kind services (link to members list). 全球十大赌钱软件app oversees and directs the SFI program in Kentucky according to published by-laws. For more information on the SFI program and how you can participate, contact




Membership and Sponsorship is the heartbeat of any association and your participation is especially appreciated.

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